
8 Indicators That You’re Not Drinking Enough Water


Water is essential for our body to function properly, yet many of us don’t drink enough of it. Dehydration can lead to various health issues, and sometimes, we don’t recognize the signs until our body is already in dire need of water. Here are eight indicators that you might not be drinking enough water.

Feeling Thirsty

Thirst is the most obvious sign you’re dehydrated. If you’re feeling thirsty, your body is already experiencing a water deficit. It’s important to drink water regularly, not just when you’re parched.

Dry Mouth

A dry, sticky mouth is a direct call for hydration. When there’s not enough water in the body, saliva production decreases, leading to a dry mouth. Keep a bottle of water handy to keep your mouth moist.


If you’re feeling unusually tired and lethargic, dehydration could be a culprit. Lack of water can lead to lower blood pressure and slower metabolism, which makes you feel sleepy and fatigued.

Infrequent Urination

Another clear indicator is urinating less often than usual or having dark-colored urine. If you’re hydrated, you should be using the restroom regularly, and your urine should be light in color.


Dehydration can cause the brain to temporarily shrink from fluid loss. This mechanism pulls the brain away from the skull, causing pain and resulting in a dehydration headache.


When dehydration decreases your body’s blood volume, it leads to a drop in blood pressure and reduces oxygen supply to the brain, causing dizziness or lightheadedness.

Dry Skin

Your skin also tells a lot about your hydration status. Dry, flaky skin might suggest that you’re not drinking enough water. Healthy, hydrated skin is more elastic and doesn’t stay pinched when pressed.

Hunger Pangs

Sometimes, our bodies confuse the signals for hunger and thirst. If you’re feeling hungry shortly after a meal, try drinking water instead. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger.

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